Elder Law Report

Estate Planning for LGBTQ+, Single Parents, and Non-Traditional Families



Are you prepared to ensure your family's financial future, no matter what the structure? Join us in a vital conversation with Jane Dearwester from McIntyre Elder Law, where we challenge the myth that estate planning is only for the wealthy or traditionally structured families. Jane underscores the universal necessity of comprehensive planning tools—like powers of attorney, wills, and trusts—to manage your assets and healthcare decisions effectively, safeguarding your loved ones from unexpected financial burdens.Discover the critical importance of having a general durable power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney before incapacity strikes. Jane shares real-life stories that highlight the risks of not having these documents in place, such as the misconception that a spouse can automatically make decisions in North Carolina. We explore innovative solutions like the e-docs portal, which provides instant, secure access to your essential documents, and emphasize the significance of a living will and l