Elder Law Report

Navigating Estate Planning for Women at Every Life Stage



Embark on a journey through the nuances of estate planning, especially tailored for women, with your hosts Samantha Gordon and Jane Dearwester from McIntyre Elder Law. This month, as we honor the achievements and strides made by women throughout history, we delve into the critical importance of taking control of one's financial and healthcare decisions. Our conversation cuts through the complexity of powers of attorney and underscores the essential nature of estate planning for individuals at every stage of life, from the young adult just starting out to those in the prime of their duty as caretakers for both children and parents. We share empowering stories and insights on why securing your family's future is an act of self-care, and how women can support each other in these efforts, further solidifying our roles as financial stewards.We understand that initiating a dialogue around aging and future planning can be daunting, which is why we tackle the tough conversations head-on. In our episode, we