

In this episode, #1 BestsellingAuthor and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, MelAbraham, talks about how you can go from idea to thought leader andcreate the path of impact through positioning. In the infopreneurspace, you need some really distinct, unique and impactful contentto shift people's behaviors by changing their thinking. It isimportant because to be considered a thought leader, you have totake unique actions that impacts society, community andindividuals.If we don’t get it right, we arelost in the weeds and no one will see us. We also won’t have anyimpact and ultimately, there won’t be a future for us. But if weget it right, we are able to stand out. You are going to be knownfor what you know and your content will be perceived as high value.People will stand and take notice of you.So the key things you must followto move from idea to thought leader are:Get clear about what you know andthink.Get out there with yourideas.Get good at it as you need tosharpen your skills for the