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TES 013 - The Keys to Accelerating Your Acheivement



In this episode, Mel Abraham talks about the concept of goal setting which is the last stage of the Think Up phase. We look at goals differently to fuel, energize and electrify them, bringing them to life.We know SMART goals = Specific, Measurable, Specific, Relevant and Time-driven.There are a couple of elements missing with SMART Goals and I change it to "A Smart Goal" where A denotes Aligned.Aligned: Goals need to be aligned with your higher mission, vision and purpose.Specific: The goal that you're creating should be specific and linked with your strategic plans.Measurable: We need to make sure that goals are measurable because if we can measure it, we can manage it.Attainable: It needs to be reachable and realistic.Relevant: The goals need to be relevant to our outcome and the tasks that we are doing.Time-driven: Goals need to have a deadline to draw us forward. All these are left-brain stuff that lack energy, movement and emotions. If there's no energy, electricity and vibrancy attac