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TES 005 - How to Stay Sane as an Entrepreneur



SUMMARY:1.     As an entrepreneur, you might get sucked into your business so much that you miss out on the other important aspects of life. If this happens, it won't be worth it – as having your own business should actually allow you to create a community, support the society and live your dreams.2.     Make sure to take a time off every 90 days or so and do three things: Reflect, Reconnect and Rejuvenate.Reflect: Take a vacation or a long weekend, and block out your work and schedule. Reflect on the things that you experienced. Think about both the good and bad experiences. As you look back, recognize and celebrate your wins. Also reflect about the missteps that could have been improved.Reconnect: You are able to do great things because of the people that support you. Take your time to reconnect with those loved ones and talk to them. Also, reconnect with the purpose, mission and vision of your life; as it keeps you on track.Rejuvenate: After reflecting and reconnecting, you are naturally rejuvenated.