Enter Wild With Carlos Whittaker

Episode 7: Kansas City - Mass Shootings Will End EVENTUALLY? Right???



Yesterday, we witnessed yet another mass shooting in America... This time, on the anniversary of another mass shooting. The Parkland High School mass shooting. They can no longer have their days to mourn. They have to share days.  I think I speak for the majority of Americans when I say that I wonder if we have become desensitized and if we actually will ever do anything. Or have we given up? Accepting this as our new normal. And I can exchange "we" for "me" cause I found myself today, desensitized to 21 people being shot at a Superbowl parade. It almost felt like just another news story... Until I put up a question box asking the Kansas City Instafamilia how they were doing... Their answers were sobering.  This isn't an episode with answers... But I hope it is filled with the right questions. I recorded this live on Instagram, so it's a little different but I think it works. Visit https://safertn.org/ for info on how TN is coming together from both sides of the aisle to stop this now... . . . . . Listen to