Macomb Twp Chiropractor Chris Mcneil & Frank Norton

Macomb Township Chiropractic Helps Patient With Disc Bulges and Herniation's



  Macomb Township Chiropractic Helps Patient With Disc Bulges and Herniation's Anyone who has ever experienced disc problems knows how painful it can be! Spinal Discs are the rubbery pads between the bones in your spine that act as a cushion and support to the spinal cord and all the trillions of nerves that come out of it. These discs can become injured due to sprain, degenerative disease, or herniation. All of this can cause pain, numbness, weakness, impaired mobility, and overall diminished quality of life. But there is a possible solution for Disc Bulges and Herniation's at Macomb Township Chiropractic, and one of their recent patient testimonials confirms it! Macomb Township Chiropractic offers state of the art treatments for those suffering with disc issues. Their disc decompression machine gently pulls and separates the discs, giving almost instant relief to nerve pressure. With regular disc decompression therapy, postural adjustments and postural traction Dr. Chris McNeil’s goal is to reduce pain