Book Marketing Mentors

How to Master Resilience: Your Secret Weapon for Book Marketing Success - BM406



Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, this podcast hones in on how resilience, perseverance, and innovative marketing strategies can lead to success. Tune in for some inspiration and insights from Susan's personal experience on how to boost your book sales.Key takeaways:Resilience vs. Perseverance: Susan distinguishes the two, noting perseverance is about relentless pursuit despite challenges, while resilience involves adapting and bouncing back from setbacks.Triumph Over Setbacks: Susan shares her "David and Goliath" story of persuading a publisher to press on with her book post-9/11, showcasing her resilience and the power of advocacy.Bulk Sales Strategy: How an unconventional approach to book marketing paid off. Susan's strategy to sell books in bulk led to selling half a million copies to a single company, emphasizing the importance of knowing your audience and leveraging strategic partnerships.Advice for new authors: Don't give up. It's all about trial