Book Marketing Mentors

How to Best Use Your Book to Gain Credibility in Higher Ed - BM378



Do you want to know how to use your book to gain credibility in the higher ed market?Get ready to be inspired by the amazing Helen Osborne, an esteemed author, and champion for affordable textbooks. Join us for this exhilarating conversation as Helen takes us on her journey, which began back in 2005 when she took on the challenge of tackling the skyrocketing prices of textbooks and fighting for accessibility. Prepare to be amazed as Helen shares how her book became a game-changer, offering affordable alternatives for students struggling with the burden of expenses. We'll also delve into the world of search engines and distribution strategies, discovering how platforms like Amazon and RedShelf launched Helen's book into the eager hands of knowledge-hungry learners. But that's not all – get ready to hear tales of collaboration, building credibility, and overcoming obstacles in the publishing industry. Immerse yourself in the inspiring story of a true advocate for knowledge and accessibility. ****