Book Marketing Mentors

How to Best Create a Website to Promote Your Book - BM-326



Do you need a book or an author website - or neither?In this week's episode, "How to Create a Website to Promote Your Book" Pua shares the importance of websites to authors and how entrepreneurs and authors should approach websites in today’s age. Websites have been crucial for entrepreneurs and authors since the internet was created. It has been used to promote and share what they have to offer to its consumers. If you are an author, then having a website would surely benefit you, especially when it comes to promoting your book. Pua Pakela is a Hawaii-based digital designer who loves working with bold, gritty, heart-led entrepreneurs with epic products and services to share with the world. When you listen to Pua Pakele's wisdom, here's what you'll discover...Should you have a book or an author website?Do you really need a website to promote your book?How to best Interact with your audience as an author How to best provide value to your readers Who is the true hero of your book&a