S&h Shenanigans

Bullet points: Episode 2



In this episode I tackle three bullet points. Mostly all nutrition related.1. Study review - Study Reviewed: Energy Deficiency Impairs Resistance Training Gains in Lean Mass but Not Strength: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression. Murphy et al. (2021)2. Study review:- Study Reviewed: Reduced Adaptive Thermogenesis During Acute Protein-Imbalanced Overfeeding is a Metabolic Hallmark of the Human Thrifty Phenotype. Hollstein et al. (2021)3. Presentation by James Krieger - Can you really optimize your hormones to better fat loss?I dive in deep and give you guys a nice breakdown of all three topics. Enjoy!ERRATUM: at the end discussing about whey protein I talk about increases in leucine but said leptin instead …. Clearly just a brain fart