Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Remember Your Chains - Titus 3



Paul reminds us today that we weren’t always a Christian. What does that reminder do for us?  It made me think of one of my favorite contemporary Christian songs from the 1990s by Steven Curtis Chapman - Remember Your Chains.  This song, like Paul’s words, is a reminder to remember that our salvation is not something we have earned, but it is a gift. And we should remember that and remember who we used to be. When we remember that, it makes us more thankful for God’s gift and (hopefully) more loving of those who are now where we used to be. Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he'll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God's Word.If you'd like to receive this daily reflection on your phone, text @39110 to 81010 to sign up. You can read today’s passage here - can watch this in video form here -