Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - O Little Town of Bethlehem - Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:1–6



The Wise Men come looking for the new King of the Jews. They didn’t know where He was born, so they went to the place that seemed appropriate, the palace. When they got there, they found out from the religious scholars that the prophet Micah, centuries ago told us that Bethlehem is where the messiah was to be born. O Little Town of Bethlehem. It would be easy to miss if you weren’t paying attention. So, let’s do just that, friends. Let’s read the Bible; let’s pay attention. Let’s see where the Messiah is. And let’s be faithful to follow Him, always.  Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he'll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God's Word.If you'd like to receive this daily reflection on your phone, text @39110 to 81010 to sign up. Read our passage here - can watch this in video form here -