Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - God is For You - Romans 8: 31-36



Today we hear something that we need to drill down, deep into our souls. God is for us.  Never forget that.  Internalize that, right now. God is for you.  I spent a lot of years in my life believing that God was against me, that God didn’t like me, that God was going to get me.  Today, we are told that if He did not withhold His son, what will He withhold from us?  If God is for us, who can be against us?  No one.  And not only that, but nothing can separate us from God’s love.  Nothing that can ever happen can separate us from God’s love.  Today, know just how much you are loved.  Join us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he'll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God's Word.If you'd like to receive this daily reflection on your phone, text @39110 to 81010 to sign up.Read our passage here - can watch this in video form here -