Tony French Speaks

Living in the Larger Story



Would you rather be in the stands, or be on the field?The story begins long before you were born. The story begins before any thing was created. The story begins with the great fellowship of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They lived in intimate relationship with each other in the beginning. The evil enters the picture which resulted in war in heaven. Then the creation of our world began. God created an amazing, beautiful, over-whelming world for us. Beautiful sunsets and oceans. Incredible mountains and water falls. Birds! What colors. The range of sizes and shapes. But what about fish? What kind of creator would create all of those fish? Again with the color and size. From a guppy to a whale.And then the land animals. All of the kinds of animals, lions, tigers and bears! Horses. Dogs. and on and on.The creation tells us a lot about the creator. And then finally, God created man in his image. Male and female he created them. The crowning jewel of all creation. Evil came and began the doubt abou