HALO Talks

Episode #343: Tom Kiss, Co-Founder & CEO, Ate-The Mindful Food Diary and Coach



A veteran of Techstars in 2019 with an app that has 10,000+ five star reviews (along with the the US Air Force as a client!) Tom Kiss, Co-Founder and CEO of Ate-The Mindful Food Diary and Coach, has made tremendous strides in a relatively short period of time.  Formerly a consultant who was often on the road, he entered the HALO sector out of a personal need and frustration. "I had a wakeup call in the form of a panic attack, and realized I had to do something, and my trainer friend introduced me to food journaling," he states. "We built Ate with the belief that everyone is on an inner journey to become healthier and happier, and we think that building the inner curiosity about your choices and habits is the key to sustainable change. We built Ate with the intention to help ignite that curiosity and try to support people on their health journey. We're mindfulness based, nonjudgmental, and all about body positivity." Ate's grown has been impressive. They're up 300% in the last six months both on the revenue an