Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Choosing Your Quantum Reality Effortlessly



 When you are in a difficult situation where you see no way out, try creating a new reality using the steps outlined in this broadcast. Use the following audio to help you clear your mind for helping you create that reality: You might find yourself in a job, a home life, or a friendship that is a constant onslaught to your sensitive self. Examples are situations that are causing you to continually defend yourself, protect yourself or maintain your boundaries. In this simple process that I've used successfully a number of times, you are no longer in the situation of struggle, fighting, and needing to go to drastic measures. Instead, you are radiating out the creation of the new reality, while taking steps to ensure it happens, that it comes into being with ease and grace.Standout Quotes:"In the world of quantum all possibilities exist at once."“Everything is existing at once.”"As soon as you start writing something down and having a thought in your he