Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

How does understanding The Science of All Energy Healing show YOU how to be healthy?



Today’s broadcast is a deeper dive into the science of energy healing. You’ll hear about the causes of internal conflict or stresses and how that plays out in the body. There’s a large body of scientific evidence that supports these assertions, and there are ongoing research breakthroughs every day. What you’ll hear here is the practical ways of thinking about it.You’ll hear answers to questions on energy healing like, “Why doesn’t doing affirmations and creating vision boards always work?”; “Why is there no such thing as negative emotions and negative energy?”; ” How does having more than one set of emotions running through your body affect your overall health and frequency?”; And, “Why doing the same protocols on everyone improves whatever ails them, whether it’s their kidney disease, dementia or cancer?” to name a few.What’s the energy healing solution to these issues?In the latter half of the program, you’ll hear what you can do about it right now to get onto the right track. These include simple energy h