Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Heal your house with Jeff Stegman and Clayten Stedmann



Your environment is as important for helping your health, wealth and relationships as it is for your well being.  Your environment contains the energies of those that live in it, those that lived in it before and those that visit it, past and present, whether they are on the physical plane or otherwise. You may have heard of techniques to clear your environment such as smudging, putting salt and water in bowls around your house, Feng Shui, or chanting “om”. Those are all good practices, but there is another way that Jeff and Clayten developed to send high frequency Focused Life Force Energy to your home or business.I have to admit when I first read about and heard about this, I was really confused. What did they mean, they could do this, how did they do it, what was the mechanism. The more I conversed with them and the more I heard, the more I understood. The subtle energies that we send out as people, get radiated out. It contains our thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions, words we think, and everything el