Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

Radically Transform Your Body with Alisa Slattery – Part 2



Let me introduce Alisa Slattery, also known as the Queen of Weight Loss.Alisa wasn’t always in the field of weight loss. In fact, she started her working life in Health Insurance. At the time in Tennessee, it was very difficult to do well in this field, especially for women. Alisa is someone who will buck the status quo just because she can.In the area of fat loss, her moniker, Queen of Weight Loss, is actually a modest one.I know of no one who has had the resounding success of getting so many people lean and have them stay lean. The bane of most diets is rebound and restarting from ground zero or worse. Most weight loss clinics bank on this fact and have you come back time and time again to re-lose the fat you already got rid of. Not Alisa, she wants you to keep it off because she has walked in the shoes of a very overweight person.She has released over 80 lbs of fat and has kept it off for years.Her program was so successful, that doctors in her hometown were sending her one patient after the other because