Sun Happens

SunHappens Guide to Divorce - A Valentine's Day Special



Divorce seems to be a big scary word ... but half of all marriages end in divorce, SOOOO Avalon Brodsky and I think more people should be talking about it, especially in a positive way. You're not alone friends. There is life after divorce. Join us for a healthy conversation about divorce, and the beauty of the healing that comes after. This is not a bash our ex, session, so if that's what you're here for - just keep scrolling. Cheers to growth, friends!Be sure to follow the host Marissa on Instagram/TikTok @TheMarissaBaker, @SunHappensOfficial Lastly, make sure you never miss what is happening by subscribing to Sun Happens Email list at And Remember, Sun Happens. When you can't find it, create it.SunHappens podcast sponsored by frendzy - Find your frendzy making new friends through new experiences. A new era of experiences over swiping: