Sun Happens

Sometimes, I don't want to be happy



You ever feel like the world expects you to be happy 100% of the time? Like if you show up less than perfect, they might think differently of you? cuz, same. Today, we dive into just some of the reasons why it's totally okay to not be okay. In the words of Dixie Damelio, "Sometimes, I don't want to be happy, don't hold it against me." Be sure to follow the host Marissa on Instagram/TikTok @TheMarissaBaker, @SunHappensOfficial Lastly, make sure you never miss what is happening by subscribing to Sun Happens Email list at And Remember, Sun Happens. When you can't find it, create it.SunHappens podcast sponsored by frendzy - Find your frendzy making new friends through new experiences. A new era of experiences over swiping: