Taking Control: The Adhd Podcast

Hearts for ADHD with Jennifer Kampfe



Thank you for supporting The ADHD Podcast on Patreon! — https://patreon.com/theadhdpodcast We get lost with ADHD. Lost in feelings of struggle, lost in time of hyperfocus, lost in loneliness. It doesn’t take long before we build habits around the experience of negativity. But what if you were to change those behaviors and learn to celebrate the positive outcomes of even your smallest achievements? Our guest is Jennifer Kampfe, a certified ADHD coach with Fantastically Focused. Jennifer works with children, teens, college students, parents and adults with ADHD and she’s here today to talk about her program, Hearts for ADHD. She’s helping parents and coaches celebrate the strengths and achievements of kids with ADHD, and teaching them to celebrate the same in themselves! Links & Notes Hearts for ADHD — FantasticallyFocused.com ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★