Radical With David Platt

Men and Women in the Church (Part 2)



The Bible’s teaching about gender roles is seen by many in our culture as either outdated or outright demeaning. Drawing distinctions between men and women offends many people. However, Scripture points to these gender distinctions as part of God’s good design. In this message from 1 Corinthians 11:2–16. David Platt helps us see what it means for a husband to be the head of this wife. This kind of God-given leadership should mirror the self-sacrificial leadership that Jesus exercises over his church. This passage also forces us to consider which aspects of Scripture’s teaching apply only to a particular time and place rather than to all people in all times and in all places. Ultimately, we can trust God’s design for men and women in the church because it is for our good and for his glory.Explore more content from Radical.