Nourishing The Mother

NTM 455: Stop making your ‘undone’ list mean something about you



Do you ever think “If I can just get this done…I’ll feel worthy” only you never quite feel enough? What would it be like to separate your list, from your worth? Let’s go there in this conversation.In this episode we discuss:When we look outside for our value, we devalue our workYou can make not getting to your list mean something negative, or you can make it mean an investment in your valuesMotherhood invariably holds the paradox of one foot in ‘fun’ and one foot in ‘responsibility’Where are you feeling weighed down and resentful and what are you choosing to believe about that?There’s some truth in ‘clear space, clear mind’And the inverse is equally true, where we’re using cleaning as a control strategyRigidity creates the punishmentBeing in conversation with your kids’ valuesThe lower your self-worth, the more the list will feel like your worthTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherh