Nourishing The Mother

NTM 383: How do I be my own anchor in my perfect storm?



In this episode we look at the shame stumble of identity crisis and finding the spaciousness to love both a past and future self. In this episode we explore:- Balancing out shame about a past version of self - Opening up possibility for a future version of self- Listening to the stories of others that both support and challenge you, with an open heart - Learning how to be in opposition with an open heart- Recognising the role of the challenger - Using the heart-stings and pain points as fuel for your self-inquiry - Seeking comfort and getting pushback - Recognising the echoes of your inner child - Appreciating the push into individuation - Learning to love yourself and other widerTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit