Spoiled Rotten Podcast

62: Cloverfield Paradox & Netflix



Ben & Daniel spoil The Cloverfield Paradox & discuss what impact Netflix is having on the movie going experience! Joss Whedon & Batgirll @2:44 Roxane Gay & Batgirl @7:24 Aquaman Test Screenings @8:47 First Look at Shazam @13:29 Wonder Woman 2 Villain @16:23 Moore or Roberts For Flashpoint @18:29 New Mutants Adds A Character @21:11 Silver Surfer Movie Implications @22:00 Gemma Chan Joins Captain Marvel @24:40 Cloverfield Paradox Review/Spoilers @27:17 Netflix's Impact on Movie-Going @53:55 Cloverfield Paradox Rating @75:07 Discover other podcasts on the Dork Shelf Podcast Network! Get in touch with Ben & Daniel on Facebook & Twitter!Hosts:Daniel Grant (Twitter & Instagram)Ben Sit (Twitter & Instagram)Show:@TDFSpoiled on Twitter, Instagram, Threads & YouTubeSubscribe & Follow HERE