Spoiled Rotten Podcast

40: What to do with DCEU?



What are we going to do with this thing we call DCEU?*Hugh Jackman Wanted to be in the MCU @1:04*New X-Men Director? @4:13*No Yellow Wolverine Suit @6:45*No Post Credit Scene for Logan @10:57*X-Force Director+Writer Speculation @12:30*Channing Tatum Still in for Gambit @14:17*Patrick Stewart Done w/ Professor X @15:26*DCEU Rumours/News/Ideas to Make it Better @17:49Visit: TDFeverything.com/spoiledrottenHosts:Daniel Grant (Twitter & Instagram)Ben Sit (Twitter & Instagram)Show:@TDFSpoiled on Twitter, Instagram, Threads & YouTubeSubscribe & Follow HERE