L3 Leadership Podcast

John Bevere on Why Every Leader Needs to be in Awe of God throughout their Leadership Journey



Episode Summary: In this episode of the L3 Leadership podcast, you’ll hear John Bevere share what he believes is the key to longevity in leadership, his new book, and why every leader needs to be and remain in awe of God.About John Bevere: John is an international minister and best-selling author known for his bold and uncompromising approach to God’s Word. His resources have been translated into over 110 languages, and over 40 million copies have been given away worldwide. When he’s home in Nashville, you can find John playing competitive card games with his four sons or trying to convince Lisa to take up golf.4 Key Takeaways:1. John talks about how he found his callings in ministry and leadership and how he finds longevity in leadership.2. He shares some advice about parenting and teaching children to be in awe of God. 3. John talks about what it means to him to hear from God.4. He challenges listeners to consider how they’re living now in relation to how they’ll live in eternity. Quotes From the Episode:“I