
275. Alcohol & Sugar: The Overlapping Struggles with Angela Pugh



Send me (Ali) a text message.Get ready for an insightful conversation with Angela Pugh, a renowned recovery expert and life coach. We discuss how to tell when thoughts and behaviors around food and alcohol tip over into problematic, even when life is seemingly going well to all outside appearances (i.e. the myth—for many—of "hitting rock bottom"). Angela shares the dramatic moment that set her on the path to sobriety and led to her life's mission to be of service to others. We explore coping mechanisms, addictive behaviors, and the identity shifts that are necessary for truly sustainable change. Among the Questions Explored:Why is sugar such a struggle for many in the sober community?What is the overlap between struggles with food/sugar and alcohol? Why does Angela says that being an alcoholic is the best thing that ever happened to her?How do you recognize when a behavior is crossing the line or tipping over to unhealthy? About Angela: After bartending her way across Hollywood and Beverly Hill