Nicole Bremner

Cities are a physical manifestation of our society explains Monika Jaroszonek of Ratio.City #82



EP82: “Every single city is unique – the result of the direct forces that act upon it…they are a physical manifestation of the society that we live in and they represent the best of us.”What makes a city a good place to live? Is it the buildings? The infrastructure? The history perhaps? In this episode of the Nicole Bremner podcast, I speak with Monika Jaroszonek, co-founder of Ratio.City, about what shapes a city and how data can be used to help develop and transform cities for the better. Toronto-based Monika is inherently passionate about cities. Ever since she was a child she was fascinated by the various different factors that make up a city. This fascination evolved into a career in architecture, which then led to her co-founding Ratio.City, a dynamic Proptech company that helps city builders make data-driven decisions for urban transformation. Monika explains how technology can be used to build more liveable cities through increased density, affordable housing, well-designed municipalities, and better