Get Inspired With Gurds With Gurds Hundal

175: Healing Your Money Trauma And Shifting Your Programming With Zachary Dixon



Imagine being so broke that you can afford food? That's the story of Zachary Dixon, Business and Money Coach. He was 16 years old when he dropped out of school and followed a path of finding himself. This led him on a journey of working in a meat factory, supermarket to eventually coaching. However, the journey wasn't easy when he didn't make money for 4 years. It was when he didn't have any money in his bank account and his mother had to lend him $100 to survive, when he decided to shift his money mindset and programming.  He has now helped over 2400 online buisness owners achieve success through mastering thier money and programming. He has become a multi millionaire in the space without spending a cent on advertising and is also the founder of Infinite Coaching On the show we talk about:  His money trauma to beocming a millionnaire The importance of shifting your mindset The law of attracion The power of being in your own vortex The power of meditating 6 times a day to shift your progr