Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

I’m Overwhelmed – Tell Me What to Do! with Kelly Nolan



Sometimes you’re looking for a mindset shift and transformation. And sometimes what you need is help STAT! If you have no bandwidth and you are at your wits end, stay with me because I’ve got a woman who can help you. Meet Kelly Nolan Kelly Nolan is an attorney-turned-time management strategist and mom of two. After experiencing overwhelm as a young patent litigator in Boston, Kelly figured out a time management system that helped her show up in the ways that she wanted at work and at home – without requiring her brain to somehow magically remember it all.  She now empowers other professional working women to manage their personal, family, and career roles with less stress and more calm using her realistic time management system, the Bright Method.  The Bright Method has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, and Kelly's work has been published in Forbes, Fast Company, Insider, and Parents. Kelly also hosts the Bright Method podcast. Most importantly, the Bright Method works for real women, helping them man