Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Are You Being Too Proud to Ask for Help?



Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. This episode is coming out a bit later than I promised. The reason for that is that I have been battling with myself about what I want to share with you, how much I want to share and how I want to share what’s in my head. I finished up last year feeling like I was going through the motions. I gave you my last update on my 2018 goals but I wrapped that episode knowing I could have said so much more about my experiences in the last year. I will say the appreciation you all showed me in spite of that feeling overwhelmed me to the point of tears. I felt such gratitude for all of you and especially to those of you who commented and sent messages. You touched my heart and called me to step up and be the leader that I am. Appreciation Makes All the Difference Here are some of the comments that were posted on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram: "It's been awesome to follow your journey the past couple months, Jodi! Congratulations on all your success so far, and keep i