Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

207: Ariana Sylvester on Not Wanting to Be a Burden



Ariana Sylvester is not your typical entrepreneur, she’s the "Reality Checker" & partner for her crazy husband & "Idea Man" Tom. Lover of iced chai Lattes, DIY crafting, bursting out in song, and The Big Bang Theory series; Ariana manages all 3 of their businesses from home, along with their two young children. Together they own a rental property business with 18 units, a wine & liquor store, and an online coaching & training membership site for entrepreneurs. Click to tweet: Ariana Sylvester of @serialstartupco is sharing her story on Women Taking the Lead https://womentakingthelead.com/207 #inspiration Playing Small Moment Ariana was taking care of two young children while also running a real estate business and a liquor store with ease. When it was time for her and her husband, Tom, to transition their in-person life coaching to the online world, Ariana struggled. She was unsure of her role in this new online business as Tom was more of the business strategist, and she felt people would rat