Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

192: Julie Broad on Finding What is True to You



Julie Broad is an Amazon #1 Best-selling Author, recipient of the Top 20 under 40 award for Vancouver Island (2014), a successful entrepreneur, recognized real estate investor, and a popular speaker and workshop trainer. Her first book, More than Cashflow, debuted at #1 overall on Amazon.ca, and went on to win an International Book Award. Her newest release, The New Brand You launched in July 2016, and recently won a Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Sales Book.  Playing Small Moment  After spending two months making a proposal Julie felt would transform a sales process in her organization, she presented it to the president. Without looking at her ideas, he mandated she follow his plan. Julie realized she had spent much of her life pursuing a path she didn’t want to be on. She was 100% accountable for things she had 0% control over. She knew she had to quit. The Wake Up Call Julie and her husband attended a personal growth seminar. During the exercises, she realized she did many of the things in her personal