Bloody Beaver

Old Solitaire | My Sixty Years On The Plains



Before he became known as Old Bill Williams, the gaunt and scarred Mountain Man was a Methodist preacher who attempted to bring the gospel to the Osage people. Bill lived among the Osage, married into the tribe, helped them negotiate a treaty, and even translated the Bible into their language. It’s said, however, that it was the Osage who ultimately ended up converting Williams. Sadly, Bill’s Osage wife passed away and he pressed further west to the Rockies, becoming a free trapper and trader (as well as a prolific horse thief). Often known as “Old Solitaire”, Williams rode with the likes of Jed Smith, Kit Carson, and Joseph R. Walker and scouted for both Bonneville and Fremont. And, according to rumors, Bill would do whatever it took to survive, including dining on human flesh during starving times. Luck would have it that Bill Williams was also the mentor of William T. Hamilton. In this installment, young Hamilton joins the Lakota in an attempt the retrieve horses stolen by the Pawnee and in doing so has hi