Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

313 – How to Start a Craft Business from Home with Sophy Lakshmanan of Miss Paper Craft



Do you see other people selling their handmade products and wonder how to start a craft business from home yourself? That's what we're diving into today. Sophy is the face behind Miss Paper Craft, a Paper Quilling store, making intricate jewelry, ornaments, and keepsake dolls. She paper quilled as a hobby when she was in India, making gifts for friends and family. After moving to the US, she noticed that Paper Quilling wasn’t widely known here and jumped at the opportunity. Her goal is to share the paper quilling experience with more people through her jewelry, DIY craft kits, and online classes. Side fun fact - Sophy is also a Chartered Accountant on the side. BUSINESS BUILDING INSIGHTS Give your customers an amazing experience with your products. Be consistent with social media. Be more present through videos where people can see you demonstrate how you create your products. Have great photos on Instagram to stand out from the crowd. Collect emails to reach out to potential customers. You lea