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195 – 5 Affirmations to Change Your Life



5 Affirmations to Change Your Life this Year. The New Year is upon us, and for many, it’s a marker in time to make a change. It’s a time to start fresh and reset your ways and to jumpstart the dreams you’ve been thinking about and putting off over and over again. This all sounds amazing doesn’t it? A new future that aligns with what you want. It’s the chance to turn into reality the achievements and lifestyle you’ve had in your mind’s eye for a long time. The truth really is … you could make this change at any time … in any day or month of your life, but for some reason the rollover of the calendar year makes it all seem more possible. There’s newfound optimism and hope. You think things like, “This is the year! I’m going to do it this time!” Sound familiar? Unfortunately, you know what happens to New Year’s resolutions. Within a month or two they’re history and you’re back to your old ways. I see this at my health club every year and if you’re a member of any type of fitness organization, I bet you see