An Intelligent Look At Terrorism With Phil Gurski

Quick Hits | Yes, Canada needs a foreign intelligence service, but does it want one?



Canada is an outlier in the Western world in not having a separate foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.  The conversation sometimes comes up that maybe we should create one - but where and how? In this Quick Hits episode, former CSIS Intelligence Analyst Phil Gurski looks at what Canada should do in this regard. See also: ► I, spy: Does Canada need a foreign intelligence service? ► Can someone please tell me why Canada does not have a foreign intelligence service? ► How Canada makes a huge contribution to policing around the world About Phil Gurski:Phil is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. and Programme Director for the Security, Economics and Technology (SET) hub at the University of Ottawa’s Professional Development Institute (PDI). He worked as a senior strategic analyst at CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) from 2001-2015, specializing in violent Islamist-inspired homegrown terrorism and radicalisation.►Check Phil's latest book ''The Peaceable K