An Intelligent Look At Terrorism With Phil Gurski

My chat with UCLA professor David Rapoport



Have you ever heard of the 'wave theory' of terrorism?  If so, then you know David Rapoport, a retired UCLA professor who has been studying terrorism since 1970! Borealis caught up with him recently for a fascinating chat. Have a listen!Read more about David's ''Wave Theory of Terrorism": the guest, David Rapoport:David Charles Rapoport is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at University of California, Los Angeles who focuses on the study of terrorism. He taught the first course on terrorism in the U.S. and developed a series of courses on politics in the Bible. He retired in 1995 and was the Founding Director of the Center for the Study or Religion and Chair, Interdepartmental Major in Religion UCLA 1995-7. He continued teaching at UCLA till 2011 and received the Dickson Award for work as an emeritus 2007. About the host Phil Gurski:Phil is the President and