An Intelligent Look At Terrorism With Phil Gurski

Quick Hits: Coronavirus, Terrorism and Fear



The coronavirus is causing a lot of fear and anxiety around the world and is starting to affect behaviour and choices. Is this rational? How does it compare to our fear and reaction to terrorism?The world is in a COVID-19 (Corona virus) panic. People are living in fear and cancelling events and travel. What, if any, are the parallels with terrorism?.The COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving and governments are having a hard time keeping up with strategies to respond and react effectively to keep their citizenry safe. Some countries appeared to dismiss the seriousness of the virus for far too long (hello Trump administration), while others imposed what some felt were draconian measures (China, Singapore) that would not fly in a Western liberal democracy.See our COVID-19 coverage at share your experience in the comment section below.>> Like this podcast? Check out Phil Gurski's latest books!> Read Phil's daily