Pax Britannica

03.22 - A Mountain of Gold



Two of the greatest naval commanders of the 17th century - Robert Blake and Maarten Tromp - face off in the English Channel. After months of growing hostilities, a refusal to salute English ships is enough to spark a shooting war between the Commonwealth of England and the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Have your say in the Airwave survey! Join the Mailing List! Facebook | Twitter | Patreon | Donate Join the Patreon House of Lords for ad-free episodes! Martyn Bennet, Oliver Cromwell, 2006. Michael Braddick. The Oxford Handbook of the English Revolution, 2015. Barry Coward, The Cromwellian Protectorate, 2002. Nicholas Rodger, The Command of the Ocean: a Naval History of Britain, Volume 2, 1649-1815, 2004. Ian Roy, 'Prince Rupert', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Roger Hainsworth, Christine Churches, The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars, 1652-1674, 1998. Christian J. Koot, ‘A “Dangerous Principle”: Free Trade Discourses in Barbados and the English Leewa