Pax Britannica

03.14 - To Hell or Connacht



The Commonwealth, hungry for land, confiscates massive amounts of property from Irish Catholics. Most are ordered to move elsewhere in Ireland, to the Province of Connacht or County Clare. To refuse risked death. Join the Mailing List! Join the Patreon House of Lords for ad-free episodes! Sarah Barber, ‘Settlement, Transplantation and Expulsion: A Comparative Study of the Placement of Peoples’, in British Interventions in Early Modern Ireland, ed. by Ciaran Brady and Jane Ohlmeyer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). Heidi J. Coburn, 'Cromwellian Transplantations of the Irish to the Colonies', in Martyn Bennett, Raymond Gillespie, and Scott Spurlock (eds), Cromwell and Ireland: New Perspectives (Liverpool, 2020) John Cunningham, ‘Politics, 1641-1660’, Cambridge History of Ireland Elaine Murphy, Micheál Ó Siochrú, Jason Peacey, John Morril, eds. The Letters, Writings, and Speeches of Oliver Crmwell: Volume II, 2022. David Edwards, ‘Political Change and Social Transformation, 1603-1641’, Cambridg