Father And Joe

Father and Joe E325: Embracing Meekness: Cultivating Humility for Stronger Relationships



In this episode of Father and Joe, Father Boniface Hicks and Joe Rockey delve into the concept of meekness, exploring its true essence and the importance of humility in building better relationships. But just as they're about to uncover the key to embracing meekness, a shocking revelation leaves them questioning everything. Tune in to find out what happens next in this captivating discussion.·          Explore the profound significance of modesty and meekness in Christian teachings, adding a fresh outlook to your spiritual journey. ·          Dive into the multi-faceted world of meekness, helping foster deeper self-awareness, and enriching life experiences. ·          Discover the far-reaching effects of trauma on the individual psyche and the restorative power of healthier relationships. ·          Acknowledge the presence of deep-seated hurt, and come face to face with your limitations, fueling a journey towards wellness. ·          Develop stronger relationships, born from humility and a conducive lea