Marriage Devotionals With Jeff & Debby

Episode 9: Sorrow For Sin



This one is from March 7th. And yes - we know last week was from March 15th! You'll notice us do that from time to time - do the devotionals out of order. That could be because we feel like we need to mix up the topics and themes from those we choose, or we may not have had a devotional on that day and wanted to go back and do it. That's one of the things we want to remind couples that are trying devotionals either for the first time, or again because you stopped doing them. The devil is constantly going to try to make you feel like a failure in this. Don't let him! So you skipped a day, a week, or months. Just pick back up and start again! God isn't going to pout and refuse to talk to you because He's been waiting by the phone for your call and now His feelings are hurt that you haven't reached out in a while.And who cares what day you do? He's also not going to refuse to listen to your devotional because you're on the wrong date! And while all that sounds crazy, it&ap