Madison Church

Beyond Sunday: Living Out Faith Through Community and Service



Have you ever wondered what it truly means to live out your faith beyond Sunday gatherings? Join us as we break down the missional incarnational impulse, inspired by Alan Hirsch’s book, "The Forgotten Ways." We discuss how aligning our lives with God’s will can transform our communities and everyday interactions. Discover how we, as Christians, are called to actively participate in God’s mission to redeem and restore the world through the gospel, following Jesus' example of being sent to share the good news.Get ready to hear some compelling personal stories, including my experiences working with Nehemiah, a nonprofit in Madison. We'll share valuable lessons learned from black leadership, and discuss the transition from traditional church events to a lifestyle of continuous service and involvement. Listen as we explore how fostering genuine connections in our neighborhoods can have a profound impact, encouraging us all to embody the life, love, and grace of Jesus in our everyday actions and