Recovery Coast To Coast Radio

2017 NAATP Leadership Conference Opening Session - Charting Our Field's Trajectory



The 39th Annual Leadership Conference of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) at Barton Resort in Austin, Texas - May 21 - 23, 2017. Opening remarks by NAATP board chair Karl Kester, Executive Director Marvin Ventrell , and TASC Executive Vice President Peter Palanca . . . The presentation is titled: "Charting Our Field’s Trajectory: The NAATP Provider CEO Perspective," featuring panelists Philip Eaton, CEO of Rosecrance Health Network . . . Mark Mishek, CEO of Hazledon – Betty Ford Foundation . . . and Doug Tieman, CEO of Caron Treatment Centers. The panel is moderated by Carl Kester, CEO of Lakeside-Milam Treatment Centers.