Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

061: Exploring the Sides of Lifecasting with Laurie Ruettimann



Do you love listening to other people’s stories and experiences from their daily lives? If so, you are not alone! This has become a major industry, with “influencers” showing up across multiple social media platforms and playing a role in the decisions people make. Being an influencer may seem like the perfect job. After all, some of them make huge incomes from their blogs, vlogs, and YouTube channels! But is it right for everyone? I’ve been sharing my experiences with others since very early in my HR career. I emailed stories about myself to illustrate elements of my life so that people could learn something from those experiences I was having. Today we refer to this practice as “lifecasting,” and on this episode, we’re going to talk about the ins and outs of lifecasting. Through my lifecasting, you've got a front row seat to my life! I've always been a lifecaster, even when I worked in human resources and I only had access to email years ago. That was my original way to get my message out. However, as the t