Common Censored

Episode 263 - Florida Bans the Dictionary, California Might Just Ban Slavery, US Admits to Isreal's War Crimes



So it turns out that the US is super aware of all the war crimes perpetrated by that "only democracy in the Middle East." So much so that two major US government agencies made reports about it and handed it to Sec. of State Blinken...who then went on to lie to Congress about it.  As the fallout from Hurricane Helene begins to be reckoned with, it's becoming more and more clear that climate refugees are as American as abject poverty - and thanks to the latter, you can't just move out of the way of climate chaos. That takes money, and if not money, at the very least it takes government support, of which we have none.  It's Banned Books Week so it seems an apt time to point out that while books pedestaling the institution of slavery have pride of place on library shelves, the dictionary is being pulled pending investigation. PLUS Russia warns the US not to strike Moscow, could slavery be banned in California finally, and MORE!